Ten selected micrometeorites, Jon Larsen Collection 2 (2020)
Ten selected micrometeorites (from 0.2 to 0.35 millimetres) from Jon Larsen’s collection, mounted on a signed microslide, marked “Collection 2/2020”. The stones are of different types and in perfect condition, fresh from Space. This relatively large collection is unique and contains several rare types and phenomena.
MM Collection 2 - 2020
Ten large special micrometeorites of different types mounted on a signed microslide marked “Collection 2/2020”. A must for any meteorite collection! The stones are found and selected by Jon Larsen and sold directly from him via Treasures From Space.
Ten selected micrometeorites mounted on a signed microslide, marked “Coll. 2020_2”. The stones were sold directly from Jon Larsen via Treasures From Space.
1. [NMM 2611] is a large (~0.3 millimetres) cryptocrystalline (CC) type micrometeorite, var. “turtleback”, found 2020 0812 on a roof in Mysen, Østfold, Norway.
2. [NMM 2575] is a medium sized (~0.2 millimetres) cryptocrystalline (CC) type, var. “turtleback”, found 2020 0801 on a roof at Nesodden, Viken, Norway.
3. [NMM 2573] is a large (~0.3 millimetres) Scoriaceous/porphyritic (ScMM/PO) type micrometeorite with a large central void and small nickel-beads, found 2020 0801 on a roof at Nesodden, Viken, Norway.
4. [NMM 2572] is a very large (~0.35 millimetres) elongated cryptocrystalline (CC) micrometeorite with two nickel beads. Found 2020 0801 on a roof at Nesodden, Viken, Norway.
5. [NMM 2580] is a large (~0.3 mm) translucent porphyritic olivine (PO) type. Found 2020 0801 on a roof at Nesodden, Viken, Norway.
6. [NMM 2571] is a very large (~0.35 mm) barred olivine (forsterite, BO type) micrometeorite with magnetite “Christmas tree” xls, found 2020 0801 on a roof at Nesodden, Viken, Norway.
7. [NMM 2570] is a large (~0.3 mm) barred olivine (forsterite, BO type) micrometeorite found 2020 0801 on a roof at Nesodden, Viken, Norway.
8. [NMM 2569] is a medium sized (~0.25 mm) rare porphyritic olivine (PO) type with small sulfide chunks on the surface. Found 2020 0801 on a roof at Nesodden, Viken, Norway.
9. [NMM 2568] is a large (~0.3 mm) barred olivine (forsterite, BO type) micrometeorite with magnetite “Christmas tree” xls, found 2020 0801 on a roof at Nesodden, Viken, Norway.
10. [NMM 2531] is a medium sized (~0.2 mm) cryptocrystalline (CC) micrometeorite with a large nickel-iron metal mound in the front, the back part is a “turtleback” variety. Found 2020 0717 at Vestby, Viken, Norway.
All ten stones are a part of the collection found during the sixth season of micrometeorite findings/verification in populated areas (2020). The catalogue number refers to the NMM archive (the main index of Norwegian Micro Meteorites, Jon Larsen’s urban Project Stardust collection), and the stones were found and curated by Jon Larsen.
VERIFICATION: The MMs has been confirmed extraterrestrial by SEM/EDS and visual identification by Jon Larsen, and is a verified micrometeorite, hereby confirmed in writing. The stones are sold with a Certificate of Authenticity, incl. classification, and one digital color photo and several SEM images. Note the credit for any of these micrometeorite SEM images: ©Jon Larsen (University of Oslo, UiO), and the color photo: © Jan Braly Kihle/Jon Larsen.