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​​Lectures by

Jon Larsen

Pop-science lecture in English by star hunter Jon Larsen about the search for stardust and the classification of micrometeorites. Unique photos. All levels, from amateur to academic. Including demonstration of micrometeorite hunt equipment and Q/A. Special theme or content upon request. 

Jon Larsen was the first to discover the urban micrometeorites, published in  Geology. He has since then published a series of books about these exotic space rocks and how to find them. His mixed background includes mineralogy, jazz guitar, and surrealist painting, but presently he is doing scientific research on cosmic dust particles at the University of Oslo (UiO), Institute of Geosciences. He is working in contact with all the foremost experts in this field worldwide, including NASA.


Jon Larsen is a popular lecturer and through his Project Stardust on Facebook a dynamo in the international micrometeorite community with daily updates of new stardust photos and info. His project has been presented in The New York TimesThe EconomistNational Geographic,  Washington Post1843 Magazine feature and hundreds of regional newspapers and magazines worldwide. An evening with citizen scientist Jon Larsen is truly an extraterrestrial experience. 


As a preparation for the lecture it might be useful to check out the four micrometeorite books available by Jon Larsen. Each one deals with a different part of finding, identifying, and verifying micrometeorites as well as curating a collection, and all four are recommended to find your own stardust. When ordered from Treasures From Space the books are delivered signed by the author.  

The first one is our best seller In Search Of Stardust, the textbook about micrometeorites and terrestrial spherules, and how to distinguish the one from the other. The second is Atlas Of Micrometeorites, the coffee table photo book with fantastic color photos of all sorts of stardust in large format. The third is Star Hunter, the fantastic story about the discovery of the urban micrometeorites, despite all the scientists who said it was impossible. Book number four is On The Trail of Stardust – the illustrated field guide about tools, techniques, and methodology. This book is available through Amazon. 


If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the lecturer directly at 


Happy hunting!

Lectures by
Morten Bilet
(at the moment only available in Norway)

Populærvitenskapelig forelesning på norsk om meteoritter og verdensrommet. Gir svar på hva skjuler seg i den mørke nattehimmelen? Hva vet vi om solsystemet vårt? Hvor kommer alle romsteinene fra? Kan romsteiner forandre livet på jorda? ..og en masse andre spørsmål. Lager et engasjerende foredrag for mennesker i alle aldre og tilpasser etter ønske om innhold og lengde.

Holder også foredrag om andre temaer som: Rav, vikingenes gull, Marokko, en geologisk kulturreise, Store nordiske rovdyr eller om fugler og andre naturrelaterte foredrag. 


Han har samlet meteoritter i flere titalls år og har opparbeidet mye kunnskap om emnet. Startet Norsk meteornettverk. Har skrevet populærvitenskapelige artikler om meteoritter i både inn og utland, samt bokutgivelser som: Meteoritter – himmelens budbringere (M. Bilet 2008), Norske meteoritter (J. Larsen, M. Bilet, Ø. Thoresen, R. Selbekk 2014), Romstein (M.Bilet, Jon Larsen 2020).


Engasjert i amatørgeologi siden 1970-tallet og driver Bilet Geoservice med bl.a produksjon av geologiske samlinger til skoler og undervisning. Med geologi driver han nettstedene og Morten er ivrig naturfotograf med bl.a hjemmesiden A Glimpse Of Norway . Er også frilans konsulent for Forskerfabrikken AS og Scientist Factory AS.

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